Tuesday, 28 April 2015

The big 6!

Well, that's it.  She's now six years old....
My little lady turned 6 last Thursday and she's now "a big girl" apparently... not to big to still want a wiggle scooter as I call it!
For her birthday, we'd changed the theme of her party from Frozen (which has been done to death) to Cinderella!
Invitations were sent out to 11 other princess (including Cassie's friend Lola who has the same great taste in dresses) to come along to a tea party and ball after school and  once everyone had arrived, "high tea" was served in the garden..

 Wonders of wonders..
 Cinderella herself stopped by in her ball gown in to wish Cassandra a very happy 6th birthday...

 Princess fun and games followed

and after singing happy birthday and blowing out her candles
 Cassandra was crowned a "real" princess..

 My heartfelt thanks go to Mandy of Tiddlywinks Parties and to Jenna - a most beautiful Cinderella!

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