Sunday, 24 August 2014

Just a few friends...

We normally meet up with LOADS of people over the very LONG 6 weeks (nearly 7 weeks this year) summer hols, but this year it just hasn't happened.  Cassandra for one has really been missing her girlfriends, so I suggest she have a couple over... Logistically it was a nightmare to organise on a spur of the moment idea, but Lucia, Kaylah and Elizabeth could all make it, so one day last week, the boys thought their dream had come true when I allowed them to play on the computer for most of the day, to allow the girls time and space to play together!
 First up was quality pool time...

 And then came baking...

Licking the bowls out is always the best bit!
And you can't have friends round without dressing up as a princess or two..

The girls all had a great time!


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