Sunday, 16 February 2014

Dib, dib dib...

I've mentioned here a few times that I've taken on the role of Assistant Beaver Scout leader for the Scout group the boys go to - 3rd Prittlewell.

As part of my training to gain my woodbeads, I had to organise a "nights away" for our Beavers.  However, not one to do things by halves, I also invited two other groups along, so in all there was 43 little people last weekend taking part in my first ever sleepover :)
I'd done a little research and decided to theme the event on dinosaurs - everyone loves a good dinosaur, so our first activity was den building in Belfairs woods!
I'd been in contact with the Education Officer at the Woodland Centre, and she put together a fantastic plan of activities for us, based on my suggestions... 
One of 1st Haycroft's Mum's also came along for the ride and I was very proud of Julie, she fitted in so well this weekend - so much that she's now also coming along to Cub Camp in July!!!
Although Nicholas isn't a Beaver, but a Cub Scout, he still wanted to come along and join in - perks of being the leader's kid I guess...
Our gracious leader Sue apparently doesn't really like the rain!!!  After den building, dinosaur tracking and crafting defence sticks, we were all supposed to go on a dinosaur hunt, but some of our Beavers were getting cold and were wet, so we skipped this and went straight back to the Woodland Centre for lunch.

Whilst we were in the woods and on our way back on the bus, Sarah and Abigail prep'd up the hall for the afternoon's activities - they did such a good job (even having a hot cuppa ready and waiting for us) I nearly cried when we got back to the hall :)
One of the first activities was dinosaur ice excavation and this one was apparently one of their fav activities...
My fav had to be the paint dino feet, but painting pasta dinosaurs, playdoh dinos, fossil making, dino trump cards, dino shrinkies, and dino stomp games were all up there!
After a wonderful dinner courtesy of Emily, all the Beavers bunked down to watch Ice Age 3 - Dawn of the Dinosaurs and the last one finally went to sleep about 10.30pm....  For the first one to be awake at 5.30am!!!!
I had such a great team of experienced leaders around me, Sarah even giving up her birthday morning to come along and Gus, one of our young leaders also helping out - the least we could do was offer birthday cakes!
My inspiration Sue, was on hand before, during and after to give advice and guidance (as was Carol and Emily) and I couldn't of done it without her (despite the wobble in Tesco Friday morning)!!
Sunday morning, we all went home, some to sleep, some to crash out and some to just sit and have a cuppa.

Thank you so much to everyone that came along and helped out in anyway - Sue, Gail, Emily, Carol, Sarah, Kate, Deena, the Mum's and the young leaders, Ben, Ben, Beckie, Owain & Gus and of course Abigail.

Bring on Cub Camp in July!!!


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