Sunday, 29 September 2013

More football...

Well the football season is back up and running and the Leigh ramblers Under 8 Tigers had their 3rd match of the season at home today.
Nicholas played in goal the whole match today which was kind of good as he had injured his foot playing football at school with the Year 5 &6's on Friday and kind of not as he tends to take the responsibility of the team winning or loosing personally...

They put up a fight, but Trinity Youth Lions were just too good and they lost the game after drawing their first match and winning their 2nd match so far this season.
Lee was on a football coaching course this weekend, so Simon and Mike took training yesterday, but with Lee being absent, the boys all pushed the boundaries to the max.  All but Nicholas, I'm proud to say and was even prouder when he was awarded "Man of the Match" today :)
An entire current team photo call rounded the afternoon off nicely.


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