Tuesday, 23 April 2013

10 years...

Well, we made it... 11 years together, 10 years married so this weekend thanks to my Mum having the three sprogs for the weekend, Lee and I ventured up to London for the weekend.  On our own.  Just the two of us.  No kids in tow...

 It was really strange....
We first went to see the mat. performance of "The Bodyguard" - awesome show!
 then on to check into The Cumberland hotel at Marble Arch

and then on to dinner at the Marriot Hotel, Park Lane.

We were looking forward to spending the rest of the eve at Ronnie Scott's Jazz bar in Soho, but I was just too tired, so we just went back to our lovely room, to be greeted by a lovely complimentary bottle of red wine!

A lovely walk down Regent Street, around Piccadilly and then back along Hyde park saw us running a little late for our cream tea lunch, but a cab ride sorted that issue out.

We had a lovely weekend, very strange to be just the two of us and we actually had to talk to each other, but it was quite relaxing.

Was good to come home to the kids though :)


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