Monday 4 June 2012

Footie & Karate tournament

I'm kind of going with the fact that football is going to play a big part in our family's lives - last Sunday saw Lee and I split ourselves in half....

I went with Nicholas to his football match, whilst Lee took Cassie to support Alexander in his first Karate competition.

Nicholas played really well and the team won 3 games out of 4!  All the kids got a trophy and Nicholas' is in pride of place in our display cabinet in the dining room :)

Whilst this was all going on, back in Southend, Alex was showing off his kata skills in his first ever tournament...  Although he didn't get very far, he enjoyed himself very much and is very proud as are we all, of his medal which is hanging in his room.  A big cuddle from his little sis brightened his spirits too :)


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