Wednesday, 4 April 2012


Took my eldest little man to the opticians today for his routine appointment only to be told that he's short sighted and will need to wear glasses for the foreseeable future...

Although I know he needs them and they'll help his eyesight, I was just so upset for him as I know how mean kids can be with any kid that is even slightly "different".  However, I tried to be positive, encouraged him to pick a really nice blue pair of Nike frames and we'll go back and get his glasses next week.

I must say, he looks really intelligent in them too as it goes!



Handmade with Love said...

Hi Sharon, it was great to meet you at Scrapagogo! Don't worry about your son wearing glasses, I felt the same when my youngest had to wear them (especially as I wore them when I was a kid). He went in on the first day with all the kids crowding round to look at them saying how great they were, he now wears them even when he doesn't have to! Have a great weekend. Tracey xx

Infinity97 said...

Thanks Tracey, I guess I'm just worrying about stuff that may not happen...