Christmas this year was a bit strange... We kind of had lots of "Christmas celebrations" with various people at different times due to other commitments.
We met up with friends all through December and exchanged gifts and cards, so I was quite impressed I was so on the ball this year with wrapping (many thanks to my bestie buds Dawn and Tara for all their wrapping help - same again next year)? that I could be organised and swap gifts when needed.
Lee's parents were going to be away over Christmas so our day was the week or so before, and I cooked turkey with all the trimmings at our house.
We ventured down to Kent to see Lisa, Greg and the twins the Saturday before Christmas and had a yummy dinner and gifts there too. (I could definitely get used to this)!
As a yearly tradition since we lost my darling Dad, Mum has always hosted a pre-Christmas get together at her house. What started as Christams dinner, went to buffet tea and now Mum very kindly treats us to dinner out. This year we went down her favourite pub - The Walnut Tree and Tony and Christine came too. We had quite a laugh it has to be said.
And then it was back to Mum's for a bag of Christmas goodies each. Mum always appreciates her annual gift of a Christams loo roll!!!
And Lee can show off his balancing ears!
Christmas eve saw Alexander reading 'Twas the Night Before Christmas to us all, a tradition which has progressed from me solely reading it to him and then the other two too, to Alex now reading it to all of us.
After opening their stockings, all 3 beasties were happy and grateful for their gift from Santa..
Gifts from Lee and I were give and received very well...
and then we did it all again after I went and picked Mum up.
Tony and Christine came over after dinner and board games, cards and bingo ensued.
Hope everyone had a great Chrimbo!

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