Pirates was the weekend theme with the aim of the game to gain as much booty (gold coins) as possible. I was advised in advance that the Navy Captains (the leaders) were not above a bribe or two either!
I was the the team with the Penny family and the Orrock's so at least I knew a couple of friendly faces.
Alex was happy as Annabel was in the team!
Lianne had managed to get us all t-shirts printed with out team name of "The Black Pearl" on the front and on the back was printed our alias.. Alex was of course Davey Jones, I was Calypso and Cassie was Captain Sparkle!
We all pitched in with breakfast and washing upOne of the main tasks each team was given was to build a boat!! I was really proud of ours..
Lots of activities to take part in from archery, assault course,
and axe and tomahawk throwing
On the Saturday we had a hog roast - was bloomin' yummy!Cassie even got to ring the dinner bell.
Was a FANTASTIC family camp. We'll be going again!

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