Monday, 2 July 2018

Scout Family Camp

This was the first year that we could all attend Alex's Scout group's family camp at Hargreaves, Romford. Lee and Nicholas had football, so it was Alex, Cassie and I in attendance.

Pirates was the weekend theme with the aim of the game to gain as much booty (gold coins) as possible.  I was advised in advance that the Navy Captains (the leaders) were not above a bribe or two either!
I was the the team with the Penny family and the Orrock's so at least I knew a couple of friendly faces.
 Alex was happy as Annabel was in the team!
Lianne had managed to get us all t-shirts printed with out team name of "The Black Pearl" on the front and on the back was printed our alias.. Alex was of course Davey Jones, I was Calypso and Cassie was Captain Sparkle!
 We all pitched in with breakfast and washing up

 One of the main tasks each team was given was to build a boat!!  I was really proud of ours..
Lots of activities to take part in from archery, assault course, 

and axe and tomahawk throwing
 On the Saturday we had a hog roast - was bloomin' yummy!

There were many silly games over the weekend, one of the best I actually got involved with was to get a bowl of flour from the front to the back of the line... safe to say, we didn't win that one!

 Cassie even got to ring the dinner bell.

Was a FANTASTIC family camp.  We'll be going again!


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