Friday, 11 August 2017

Still here in week 2

So week two of the summer hols continued with Alex being invited round to his bud Rhys' house for a few days as it was his birthday.  He really enjoyed himself and I don't really think he wanted to come home!

It was indeed a tad quieter with just Nicholas and Cassandra, but Kaylah came over on the Tuesday to play in the pool with Cassie.

 That evening, Cassandra went to Kids Kingdom to Emily's birthday party. Whilst there I took the opportunity to fill in birthdays and what's already planned for next year!
On Wednesday I met up with my friend Angela who was looking after Samuel and Lily aswell as her two, so we popped into the Victoria Plaza to meet Aerial!
On Thursday, it was nice to welcome Alex home as were getting together with Jo and her brood and spent most of the afternoon at Rayleigh Mega playing laser!

Friday was last prep time as the kids keep growing so needed new hiking boots and trainers so a trip to Sports Direct and  Go Outdoors was on the cards as I also needed to get our camping gas bottle refilled as we were off to CAB on the Saturday...
CAB (Camp at Belchamps) had been booked for months, it's a week of activities that only scouts can attend. However, I wasn't taking my Beavers, but just my kids!  Camp fire the first night was great!
 After a terrible night of squealing girls in the tent next to us until gone 11pm and then again at 4.50am!!!, we had our first day of activities.  Shelter building was first on our agenda..
 Then the ladder challenge
Team building games and go karts!

However, before we could go on to our last activity of the day, I was approached by the manager and basically asked to leave the site due to fact that 3 weeks prior, I had handed my resignation into 3rd Prittlewell as their Assistant Beaver Scout Leader, and I was no longer showing as a registered leader on Compass (the scouting database).  Non scouts are not allowed at CAB.

I'm sure that anyone that knows me can imagine my reaction....

So I packed everything up, called Lee and he came over and put the tent down and we all went home to bacon and sausage sandwiches!

I got a full refund, but thanks to whoever brought it to the attention of my ex DC that my family and I were there... Ruined holiday plans and upset kids...


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