Sunday, 7 September 2014

1st day of school...

Well after 7 LONG weeks summer hols, the kids went back to school on Thursday.  Love my brood without question, but both the kids and I were ready for them to get back into the routine of school...
Every year we try and do something different with the "back to school" photo and this year Lee gave each of the kids some of the foam numbers/letters from the bath!

I have to say that I was doing very well that morning, until I saw the letters Alex was holding and then the tears started to well up.... Not quite so hard as I make out!

Every year Lee also goes into work late, so he can be there on the kids first day and there he was armed with his doody camera taking pics...
This is the last year that Alex will be in the same playground as Nicholas...
Alex then saw Rebecca his girlfriend of God knows how many years and he was a happy chappy...
Now in Year 6, his last year at Blenheim Primary school, Alexander has the same teacher that he had towards the end of last year - Mr Shaw.  Alex really likes him as do I, so I've high hopes that his final year will be a good one...
Nicholas in Year 4 is my concern this year, as he has a lot of "challenging" children in his class and that's the nice way of saying it.  Miss Gibbons (a new teacher for us Butler's) seems really nice so I'm hoping he'll be okay..
And as for my little lady, Cassandra, now in Year 1 of KS1, she has Miss Newham and knows all the other children in her class and they all went up as a whole class.. I'm hoping that she too will thrive.


1 comment:

Jackie said...

Love the new school pics!!!!!!!! Can feel some scrapping coming on!! LOl