Thursday 20 March 2014

Fame at last for Nicholas

I've entered many many competitions over the years and have won a few every now and again, but nothing as major as the competition that I entered Nicholas in that he amazingly won!

The chance to be a FA Champions League mascot for the recent Chelsea vs. Galatasaray match on Tuesday was just what the football crazy boy got to do.
Nicholas left school a little early Tuesday afternoon and caught the train up to London with Lee, arriving at Stamford Bridge in in plenty of time..
Lee then left him with the chaperones and took his seat in the stadium..
When the time came, all 22 boys escorted out the two teams - Nicholas being second from left - escort to Yekta Kurtulus - Galatasaray's defensive midfielder!
Not only was it shown on ITV - Way to go Greg for getting the pic from the TV...
Photo: We saw him.... :-)
But Nicholas was also the star of page 3 in out local paper today!
Photo: page 3 of today's Echo newspaper!!!!!
An amazing experience for him - one that I'm sure he'll never forget!


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