Tuesday, 1 January 2013


I had the dilemma of what to post about first - Lapland or Christmas, so I've gone with Chrimbo and I'll do Lapland tomorrow :0

After the kids put out a glass of milk (Santa has to drive the sleigh and cannot be under the influence of alcohol), a mince pie this year and a carrot for Rudolph, off they all went quite happy to go to bed for once :)

Christmas morning dawned and after sending Alexander back to bed at 4.45am, a more decent hour of 7am came around and after opening their gifts in their stockings on our bed, we all went down to the kitchen to see what Santa had left each of them...

Alexander had been most insistant that he wanted the latest Nerf gun..
 The only thing Cassandra had gone on and on about was her "sleeping baby Annabel doll"
 And Nicholas was thrilled with his requested Vectron Wave!
A move to the Den and sacks of pressie's from Mummy and Daddy saw a big Lego theme going on for both the boys..

 And Cassie was more than happy with her new pink dressing table..
 A little while later Nannie arrived with more sacks of pressies and the kids were more than spoilt with camera's, camcorders, Battle ships, books and a whole stack more!

Lee's doody camera has a timer on it, so I love this picture of us all at dinner...
 Late afternoon, my Uncle Tony and his other half came round and we played with the kids some more and then had a few games once they had finally hit the sack.  All in all a good Christmas day, albeit Mum really wasn't feeling too well...

Boxing Day always sees us at the in-laws and this year Lisa, Greg and their twins Hannah and Robert were also there, together with Lee's Nan and Grandad too.

Lee managed to get this brill pic of the 5 grand kids!

 I got my usual Ferrero Rocher - and no I didn't open them and share..
 Nicholas loved his Surbeutto football game...
 Alexander thanking Grandad for the even more Lego
Cassie had first dibs on opening her pressies as she's the youngest!

Again, a lovely Boxing Day was had by all :)


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