Thursday, 12 July 2012


Well, we bought the tent and we can now honestly say we've been camping as a WHOLE family (Lee too)!
I was all for just putting the tent up in the garden to start with, but no, we were on a mission, so after a few calls, we were booked into Waldgraves at West Mersea for a night :)

Despite all the pre-planning, all the stuff still wouldn't fit in the car (we were only going for one night)!!! so the  car "pod" had to go on the roof and we finally got away about 1pm...

We made good time and the boys helped put up the "beastie and surprisingly quick too to be honest and then we all went for an explore around the campsite.

 We had dinner on site in their restaurant Saturday night which was rather scrummy and good value.

We then ventured over to the clubhouse were there was a kids disco starting nice and early at 7pm..

Nicholas and Cassandra loved it, but Alexander was a little bored by it, so he went off outside to play and made a new "friend" - his name of course he didn't know!

A good night's sleep was had by all (bar me) and it was bright and early (way to dam early) that saw Cassandra and I cooking bacon, sausages and toast on our new grill  for breakfast...

 It went down rather well...

We'd promised the kids that they could go in the pool and despite it being heated, was bloomin' freezing!  Cassandra lasted 5 minutes and Nicholas 15 minutes, but Alex did surprisingly well and stayed in for at least half an hour!!
 Despite telling everyone to go back to sleep this morning, Nicholas just couldn't handle a late night and waking up at 4.45am!!!!!!!!!! and crashed out at lunch time in the restaurant!

We all had a brilliant time (bar the actual sleeping in a tent part) and we're going to do it again!!


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