Sunday 1 January 2012

New Year's Eve

Since we've had the kids, we've not been out on New Year's Eve as they are just still too young to be out that late.

However, this year a spur of the moment conversation with my good friend Charmaine saw us all literally over the road at her house for a fun night of Sing Star on the play station and playing on the XBox Kinect.

 We ALL gave it a go....

 Deena was lucky enough to get cuddles from Cassie..

 Sophie and Alex sang well

 Although I think Char & Lee did the best!

Saying that Lee and Darren's version of "3 times a lady" was a good try..

 The girls...

 The kids (minus Josh & Jacob)

 Alex has always had a "thing" for Jasmine...

 Jack & Nicholas trying to white water raft in a dingy!

 The wine was going down well at this stage..

Alex out sung Lauren - at what I can't remember!

We didn't quite make it to midnight, but the kids did wonderfully well and we ALL had a simply fabulous evening - can't wait till the next one!!

Thanks so much Charmaine xx


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