Sunday, 24 April 2011

Easter Hols

To be honest, I was not looking forward to the Easter hols as having three kids at home 24/7 for two weeks, all fighting, moaning, whinging and generally playing up was not a good thought.

The first week was hard, but this week just gone, a good few days have made up for the bad ones.

We sold the boys' pedal go kart the other week and bought an 8f trampoline which ALL the kids have been on constantly since Lee and his Dad built it...

We finally pursuaded Alexander to try out football at Leigh Rockets and the day he went the Evening Echo were there taking pictures of the team, so Lee had to do the same! (Alex 3rd from left on back row in blue Arsenal away kit and Nicholas 1st on left in front row in red Arsenal kit)!

Our annual Easter egg hunt in Belfairs woods was a hit with Kelly Morgan-Blancke creating a fabby clue driven hunt that the kids enjoyed...

I took the kids to a couple of bootsales where they got some goodies and Lee and Alex throughly enjoyed playing "Battleships" one Sunday afternoon.

Water fights in the garden, trips to the park with friends, friends coming over to play, and going to their's for fun in their pool. Falling in love, eating chocolate Easter eggs for breakfast (guess I wont be winning the "Healthy Mum of year" comp there), egg hunt's at Nannie's house...

It hasn't been all bad I guess.

Back to school on Tuesday :)


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