Friday, 24 April 2009


We are thrilled to announce the later than expected arrival of Cassandra Sharon Butler born at 12.44pm on Thursday, 23rd April 2009 and weighing in at 7lb 12oz.

Mum and Cassie are at home now with two doting big brothers fussing around them and a proud Daddy too :)


Unknown said...

congrats sharon on your beautiful baby girl ,i bet you are all very pleased. Time to stock up on pink papers lol

With all our love Becky, Petru and Poppy xxxxxxxxxxxx

Libby said...

Congrats on the birth of your baby GIRL!!!! but you do realise that Cassandra is a heavy name on the alphabet front!!! 2 x 's' and 3x 'a'!!!!!! LOL!

Libby x

Jo said...

Congratulations Sharon! awwwww she's beautiful! *hello baby Cassandra* xx

I have updated your blog background for you ;)
hope it's ok
Jo xx

Jo said...

meant to say... my daughter is a St Georges Day baby too, she was 19 on thursday!

Jo xx