Friday, 9 October 2015

Serving the local community...

I LOVE being involved in Scouting and back in July, 3rd Prittlewell Cubs and Beaver scouts participated in a charity 10p fair held in the main hall where we meet at St Peter’s Church.  The kids were able to spend their pennies on a number of stalls ranging from chocolate tombola, bat the rat, Teddy Hoopla and Tin Can Ally.

A grand sum of £78.30 was raised in less than two hours and last week, I went shopping  to purchase as much food as I could with the funds raised.  Steve Daley (my boss) at the Foodbank where I volunteer, came along to Beavers was presented with the food donation. So whilst helping local people in need, the event will go towards the Beavers and Cubs World Challenge badge.

This is what it's all about...


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