Sunday, 16 June 2013

Book Review - River of Destiny by Barbara Erskine

As a busy Mum of 3 kids, I just don't have the time that I would like to read as much as I want to.  However, I have just signed up to LoveReading and now have the opportunity to review books that have not actually been printed.  I finally finished reading River of Destiny and my review that is also live on their website is as follows:

This genre of book is not my usual choice, however I am keen to broaden my range of fiction and the notes on the back of the book intrigued me. 

It did however take quite a while for me to get into the story. I'm also not a sailing fanatic and really not into boats at all, so I thought the constant river/boat/sailing referrals and specific descriptions were quite tedious. What's more, it wasn't one of those books where I couldn't put it down and thought that I couldn't wait to read some more, in fact I found it quite challenging to get through.
Nevertheless I was pleased that I did as it was a good read and the way the book moved from one time line to another was very clever. The intertwined characters through history were incredible, although I was a little let down by the ending.

I would score this book 5/10.


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